Why Laser ?
LASER therapy in dental treatment is a technological advancement that uses focused light. Unlike most light sources, light from a LASER (which stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is tuned to specific wavelengths for a procedure. This allows it to be focused into powerful beams that have point precise. It is currently a cutting edge treatment modality that has the following advantages as compared to the conventional treatment:
· Reduces patient anxiety towards the dental procedure
· Painless procedure
· Bloodless procedure
· Uneventful healing
· No sutures required
· Reduced chances of Infection which results in minimalistic use of post procedure medication
· Reduced chances of post procedure swelling
· Precision leads to minimal trauma to the adjoining tissue
· Reduces chances of post procedure impairment of normal functions
· Possesses disinfectant properties that aids in sterilization of the infected area
· Helps in pain control and enhancement of tissue repair
. Adds immensely to patients comfort