ITS Dental Hospital
ITS Dental Hospital
Greater Noida

Community & Public Health Department

ITS Dental Hospital organizes multiple initiatives for improving the oral health of the society. This department plays an important role in planning and executing such initiatives.

The Department organizes different camps (as below) and provides free services such as Extraction, Scaling etc 

  • Rural Dental Camps
  • Pedo (School) camps
  • Society Dental Camps
  • Corporate Dental Camps
Department of public health dentistry The Department of Public Health Dentistry aims to build up oral health need records of the community, develops and plans strategies to meet those needs, deliver oral health services to the needy and the deprived segment of the community through outreach programs, provide transportation services for the patients to reach the Hospital for accessing treatment. 
The department is entirely equipped for carrying out all kind of public oral health programs. Department frequently conducts camps and oral health education programs in various institutions, primary healthcare centers, community halls, public and private sectors undertakings in rural as well as urban areas through fully equipped mobile dental vans with seating capacity of 14 people. 
Department is very well equipped with 28 dental chairs for carrying out all comprehensive dental care for OPD patients. Department operates 3 satellite centers rendering dental services in rural and urban areas. It is an attempt to provide dental care near their house to utilize the health services in its maximum range. 
Dental doctors skilled in clinical expertise along with interns are posted in all satellite to cater to the needs of the community. Tobacco Cessation Clinic: (TCC) :It is the most effective way of health intervention to reduce the impact of tobacco related mortality and morbidity. UP being the “Gutka Belt” needs reinforcement / counseling among patients to quit the dreadful habit – making TCC an absolute necessity. Our Department has state of the art TCC with intra oral camera along with NRT regimes to make simple and easy for patients to motivate them quit the habit. Tobacco Cessation Clinic: (TCC) It is the most effective way of health intervention to reduce the impact of tobacco related mortality and morbidity. 
Field work like school dental check -up , diagnostic Camps in rural areas to asses the oral health status of village people emergency treatment & health education including possible preventive care. Students show different brushing techniques to the patients on models .They show plaque control measures to the patient by using various disclosing agents &oral rinse programme. Diet counselling is done to the public to reduce caries. Students give the oral hygiene instructions also administer topical fluoride therapy and pit and fissure selants. Eduacate patient concerning the etiology and prevention of oral disease and encourage them to assure responsibility for oral health. 
Public Health Treatments & Initiatives
Our Public Health Dentists